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  • Writer's pictureApril Hansen

No Pain, No Gain

Tattoos are painful, there is no way around that fact. But some do feel more then others, along with where they feel more. The charts off to the left are set to the average pain areas. When considering to get a tattoo; the artist, size, area of the body and your pain tolerance needs to be in consideration. There are many people that will say "Go big, or go home." Problem with this, is you wont know until that needle hits your skin if you can handle that. And once it hits, it is too late to go back now. My first tattoo was back when I was eighteen and on my ankle. The needle was not what hurt the most, it was the artist having to stretch the skin on that part of my body and he had to put weight down awkwardly due to the chair. Oh and probably since he knew it was my first, was afraid I would jump around. If I would have just put it up and inch or so he would not of had the awkward problem. To this day it is one of my favorite pieces, even if it is only 3 3/4" long by 1 1/4" wide and just some every artist has flash. I really wished I remembered his name because as an artist that has done work for me he was my favorite. Excellent work, and customer service always a plus in my book. Some artist can be pushy and forget general way to treat people. If you have a run in with one these artist please keep in mind that not all are the same. The suggestion that was given to me by an old biker friend of mine, is the same I will give to you.. "Start small" that way you can make sure you can handle the pain before bigger pieces. This will also save you another pain... in your wallet. Remember, ink is permanent there is only two or three ways out of it. Another tattoo, laser, and in some cases plastic surgery. Most cremes I have had experience with do NOT work. But that is another story.

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